Sharon Smit - Research Stories
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Sharon Smit

I am an Impact Expert; I train researchers in how to create impact from science in society. We define impact, help researchers discover who their societal partners are and how to reach and engage them. I can help researchers from the research design phase and research itself, as well as during grant writing or evaluations (like the SEP).


Next to teaching researchers how to create more impact with their work, I am a knowledge broker. I understand both researchers, and policy makers and politicians. I help building bridges between science and policy. I worked for the Dutch government for many years as a strategic advisor and a political advisor. For academia, I coordinated the EU Horizon 2020 project Accomplissh (the consortium consisted of 14 universities in 12 EU countries). It has delivered state-of-the-art insights and pragmatic approaches for societal impact from science.

Sharon Smit

Expertise: Societal impact

Sharon Smit Agency

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